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Collaborations across Georgetown are a joy - here are some current projects



Paul Ohm and I started the Foo Law Lab in fall 2022 as the pilot effort trying to do for technology students what law clinics have done for generations of law students. We work with partner organizations on technology policy issues, problems, and questions and intend to offer Foo Law Lab participation as a course in Spring 2023 with support from the Fritz Fellowship program and the Public Interest Technology University Network.


More details coming soon. If you're an organization interested in working with us, please reach out! 

Redesigning the Governance Stack: New Institutional Approaches to Information Economy Harms

Redesigning the Governance Stack is a multi-year effort to reinvent the institutions and tools we use to govern technology and technology companies. With seed funding from the McCourt Institute, the project team at Georgetown University is led by PIs Julie Cohen, Paul Ohm, and me and engages with top experts in technology law, administrative law, computer science, technology studies, communication, and political economy to develop concrete, actionable proposals. This is a “full stack” effort, encompassing short term implementation details and extending down to rethink fundamental principles of regulatory organization and operation.

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A volume (co-edited by me and Amanda Levendowski, a clinician at Georgetown Law Center) exploring how gender, race, sexuality,  disability + class shape cyberspace and the laws that govern it. 

Check it out at

Masters of Law & Tech

Georgetown Institute for Tech Law + CCT

Calling all computer scientists, engineers, Hill staff, entrepreneurs, and civil society advocates: Georgetown Tech Law offers a new Master of Law & Technology degree that equips non-lawyers to tackle the many tough challenges on the technology law and policy horizon. In partnership with CCT, the program offers some of the best tech law and policy courses in the world, in the heart of DC, with the BEST professors around. 



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